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3 Traits of Athletes That Make Successful Businessmen

After watching the social debates on the behaviors of both collegiate and professional athletes, some might question the value in sports and if there is any impact beyond the field. As Ryan Smith Lexington KY former soccer player turned successful business man knows, there are many sports skills that translate into success in entrepreneurship and business management. If you can get past the workouts and time for practice, there are three fundamental traits that are shared between the two sectors.

Committed Mentality

A strong mental focus is needed to navigate between internal and external factors that can impact performance. It holds steady when criticism or negativity enters the playing field, and it helps the individual remain confident in the tried and true abilities he has developed. It also helps the decision and response-making to be logical and reasonable rather than emotionally driven.

Strong Confidence

The ability to know that you can do the job and having the courage to follow that confidence with action is what will help your business succeed. Positivity is one key hallmark of confidence, and it can be shared with others on your team or in your industry. It creates freedom to try new things without fear of failure and allows an individual to move past the status quo and care little for what the critics are saying.

Devoted Teamwork

As a leader, you will not be successful without the support and assistance of the team you have around you. Understanding the integral part that each member plays can give you more clarity when assigning tasks, establishing accountability, and encouraging one another. A strong team will be united in their attempt to reach a goal, and work together to address obstacles that may stand in the way.

Having a sports background isn’t just going to make you an athletic and physical fit leader or employee. It will have developed qualities that are the foundations of successful businessmen, giving you an edge among the competition.

About Noob Blogger

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