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3 Ways To Have a More Eco-Friendly Workspace
3 Ways To Have a More Eco-Friendly Workspace

3 Ways To Have a More Eco-Friendly Workspace

Many offices and other types of workspaces are discovering that becoming more eco-friendly is not only good for their reputation, but for their bottom line as well. While some eco-friendly measures, such as installing solar panels, can be costly initially, there are plenty of easy things to do to help the environment while working. Here are three ways to have a more eco-friendly office. 

1. Limit Unessessary Printing

With the ubiquitousness of email, PDF documents, and e-signing platforms, it is easy to do quite a bit of work without having to use a fax machine or printer. Some people like to include in their email signature a reminder to only print this email if necessary. If you do need to use a printer, make sure that it is in good printer repair Montgomery County MD, as a malfunctioning printer may waste paper. When you are done with your printed document, recycle it or use an environmentally friendly shredding service if you deal with confidential material. 

2. Turn Off Lights

Depending on how large an office is, areas like conference rooms, break rooms, and bathrooms can go unoccupied for much of the workday. Turning off the lights when these rooms are not in use is a very easy thing that employees can do to be more eco-friendly, and it saves the company utility costs as well. 

3. Clean With Sustainable Products

Keep the environment in mind when cleaning the office. Use cleaning products that are environmentally friendly and get the job done without harsh chemicals. Try to reduce the use of disposable paper towels and opt for reusable towels and cleaning cloths when wiping down surfaces. If you notice lots of recyclable containers in the trash, encourage your coworkers to recycle. 

These are three simple ways to ensure that your workspace is doing its part for the environment. 

About Noob Blogger

Publisher / Editor / Owner of Blog For Noob.

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