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4 Ways To Keep Your Office Space Clean

4 Ways To Keep Your Office Space Clean

Office cleanliness has never been more important than it is now. If companies want to bring their workers back into the office, they need to ensure they feel safe and secure. There are several ways to keep office spaces clean, hygienic and ready for business.

1. Social Distancing

The open-plan office of the past is no more. It’s hard to imagine maintaining social distancing if employees are sharing workspaces and sitting in open cubicles within six feet of each other. Companies will need to plan ways to help their employees stay apart. A few ways to enforce social distancing include visual guides to keep foot traffic moving in an orderly way, barriers between desks to prevent the spread of aerosols and closing off common areas.

2. Decontamination

Since the Coronavirus outbreak, hazardous material remediation companies have been offering environmental cleaning Maryland services. These companies will come in and decontaminate your office spaces. Disinfecting your office regularly can go a long way to reassuring your employees that their workplace is a safe place to be.

3. Technology

The amount of technology to monitor the number of people in a building at any given time and their health statuses has grown exponentially since the Coronavirus pandemic began. Office buildings are becoming enthusiastic adopters of these technologies, recognizing that they will help get office spaces open and safe for work. There are high-tech and lower-tech solutions to keeping the office space clean Some of the higher-tech products that are being used are check-in stations with temperature scanners and vending machines with UV sanitizers. Lower-tech products are as simple as trash cans with foot levers. 

4. Testing

Testing is not a replacement for making your office spaces safe to work in, but it is inevitable that an employee will become ill. Managers will have to develop protocols for what to do when that happens. A good place to start is by advising employees that come down with symptoms to stay home and contact their primary care doctors, who will likely prescribe testing. Contact your local health department to determine what you need to do regarding contact tracing. If you have a plan in place, you will be able to handle any potential outbreaks.

Working remotely has been a good solution for many employers, but eventually, people will want to get back into the office. Preparing, planning and taking advantage of the many new technologies available, you will make your workplace a safe place that your employees will want to work in.

About Noob Blogger

Publisher / Editor / Owner of Blog For Noob.

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