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5 Best Freshworks Alternatives: The Most Trustworthy Tools for 2021

5 Best Freshworks Alternatives: The Most Trustworthy Tools for 2021

What started out as Freshsales is now a well known CRM and automation brand known as Freshworks. One has not only seen the evolution of the digital world in the past decade or so, but also the evolution of platforms like Freshworks that are dedicated to the cause of growing businesses. It should come as no surprise that there are now a number of Freshworks alternatives that are vying for the attention of the right customer. Yet, before choosing an alternative to Freshworks, you have to be very mindful about what your business needs exactly.


A Sturdy CRM Framework: This would be one of the most important things to consider here. The customer relationship management software or platform that you choose should be a sturdy one that allows you to capture information that would be most relevant to your business. This data would then be used for data driven operations in an impactful manner. The well organized structure of the CRM system or platform would help in creating the right framework within which each function is matched with the right information. This would make for a sturdy CRM framework indeed.


Security and Access: When you log into a system or a platform, especially when it is cloud based, you are very concerned about the security and safety aspect of it. This is why you would need a system that has the right encryption in the right layers for you to be sure that there would be no issues when you are looking to share information. Also, you should be able to decide which team member has how much access since you cannot share all the information with all the team members for security issues. Most of these CRM platforms like Freshworks would allow you to give selective access only for relevant information to specific team members, so that your security issues are taken care of.

Insights and Reports: Conducting business operations is a tricky affair and in the chaos of all the operations, including sales and marketing, one can easily forget to take stock of the path they are on. This can be quite  deal breaker when it comes to running your business in a successful manner. Think about it – in the chaos of running from pillar to post, you may take a slight detour and land up in the wrong place rather than the place where your goals actually are. This can be quite detrimental for the health of your business and the state of your resources as well – not to mention the sheer waste of time and material. Therefore, you constantly need insights that would keep you on track. With Freshworks alternatives, you would be able to tap into such reports on a constant basis so that you can see where you are headed and take corrective action, if needed, on time.



Intuitive Sales Funnel: Does a certain prospect benefit your business and the overall goals that you have or are you just wasting your time? Would it not be nice to have the answers to such questions? It would. Which is why the CRM system offers you a clear demarcation and many features to set parameters for who should enter the sales pipeline and who should not. This also caters to the data driven side of things where the right data is used to create the pathway towards business success and the success of running your day to operations in the form of easy and seamless conversions. With an intuitive sales funnel, you get to build a system based on the unique needs and vision of your organization so that you bring in the perfect customs as well.


Automation: There are a plethora of tasks that you would have to carry out as a business owner and a team as well. Now, we do not always have the time to carry out those tasks, which is why it is better to bring in an alternative to Freshsales so that the automated features can take over and make your life much easier. This will also cut out all the mundane tasks so that you can focus on being in your core zone.


Now that we have understood why we need these Freshsales alternatives, let us find out which Freshsales competitor is the best one!


EngageBay: With this platform, you get a wide range of features at a super low cost. From lead generation to email marketing and even handling social media and other channels for reaching your customers, this Freshsales alternative leaves no stone unturned for your business to become a roaring success.

Send Pulse: This platform is mainly focused on email marketing and it does not have too many features for the high price that it commands.

Pipe Drive: As a well known platform, this one has many features that have to do with lead generation and email marketing. Yet, it is not very affordable when it comes to small and growing businesses.

Insightly: Insightly is one of the better known Freshsales competitors, yet it does not offer all the features that a platform like Engage Bay would. Further, it is more expensive than most of the well known platforms out there.

Active Campaign: This is an expensive platform that has a wide range of functions. Yet, it does not offer as many perks as a platform like EngageBay would easily offer you at a far lesser price tag.

The above comparison clearly shows that EngageBay would win as the perfect alternative to Freshsales without a doubt. You can easily rely on this platform for all your CRM and automation needs without worrying about the price since the starter plan is free and it offers you up to 1000 contacts in its system. Further, the most expensive plan which is fully loaded with many features comes at a very affordable price of merely $49! This makes it quite a catch for most businesses.

About Noob Blogger

Publisher / Editor / Owner of Blog For Noob.

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