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Amazing Facts about Vicks VapoRub

Vicks VapoRub is one of the homemade remedies to get rid of belly fat and cold. It also helps to get silky and smooth skin. It is basically a topical analgesic that contains a number of ingredients including camphor, menthol, eucalyptus and some other ingredients in a petroleum base.

It has been used for getting relief from headaches, cold, cough, congested nose, and chest and throat stuffiness. In addition, Vicks VapoRub can also be used in many ways.

Vicks is a supposed treatment for many diseases than just a congested chest. Here are amazing uses of Vicks:

1) Keeps mosquitoes away

Vicks can be used to keep mosquitoes away. You can do this by applying a little bit of Vaseline on your clothing and skin.

2) Reduces sinus headaches

If you are suffering from sinus headache, Vicks helps you to get relief immediately. Apply Vicks below your nose and take a deep breath. The menthol from Vicks helps to get relief from headache and cold.

3) Ease acne

Vicks helps to clean your skin. You can just apply it n your acnes a few times daily. It will dry out your acne and sooth the affected area.

4) Keeps insects away

If you want to keep flies away, open the Vicks bottle. Mosquitoes will fly away. It will act as the best eco-friendly trick.

5) No more bruises

Apply a pinch of salt in Vicks VapoRub and apply it on a fresh bruise, It helps you to get rid of it immediately.

6) Alleviate Sore Muscles

Vicks can be used to lighten your sole muscles. Massage your sore muscles with Vicks and cover that area with a warm and dry towel. Lift the sore limb until the pain reduces. You can perform this three times per day.

7) Moisturize Your Skin

Vicks VapoRub can be used to moisturize your skin. You can see the positive results.

8) Tennis Elbow

Apply Vicks to get rid of the pain from tennis elbow. Menthol and camphor will help you to feel good. Rub again until the ache stops.

9) Treat cracked heels

Vicks can be used to reduce your cracked heels. In order to get rid of them, apply some Vicks on your feet and heels and then put on your socks. Wash your feet with warm water on the next morning.

It will exfoliate the softened skin with pumice stone. You can do this activity every night to keep your feet healthy and smooth.

10) Fingernail or Toenail Fungus

Apply Vicks on the infected fingernail or toenail twice daily. After applying, put on your socks. Do not forget to trim your nails until your fingernail recovers from the infected part.

11) Relieve Congestion Symptoms and Cough

To relieve from congestion symptoms and cough, apply Vicks on your throat and chest.

12) Prevent Your Cat’s Scratching

If you want to stop your cat’s scratching, rub some Vicks to your windows, walls, and doors.

13) Fast Healing of Cuts and Splinters

You can increase the time of healing and prevent infection by applying Vicks on any splinter or cuts.

14) Reek-free Racehorses

Professional racers rub Vicks below the nostrils of racehorses on the race day. This prevents the horses from the fascinating stench of the female pony and keeps them focused on the race

15) Stretch Marks

You can reduce the visibility of the awful stretch marks by applying Vicks on the affected area. You can see the best result after two weeks of regular application.

16) Prevent Your Pet’s Peeing

To avoid your pet’s wetting on the rug or any area of the house, place an open bottle of Vicks in those areas.

17) Eczema-free

By applying Vicks on the affected skin, itchiness, inflammation of eczema can be reduced.

18) Relieve Terrible Ear Pain

You can receive relief immediately by applying some Vicks on a cotton ball and then put it in the painful ear. You can also warm garlic clove in the microwave for 10 seconds and then apply some Vicks vapo rub on one of the ends of the clove and place it in your ear.

19) Athlete’s Feet

Heal athlete’s feet by applying Vicks twice daily.

20) Remove Warts

In order to remove Warts, apply Vicks twice a day and cover it with gauze and a sock. Continue this for two weeks, until the wart disappears.

21) Fat Burning Cream

Use Vicks VapoRub to reduce fat. It can stimulate fat burning in the problematic area, such as abdomen and legs.

Vicks can also reduce fat accumulation, remove cellulite and make skin tissue certain. All you need to do is prepare a cream with Vicks VapoRub, baking soda, camphor and a little bit of alcohol. Apply the resulted cream in the problematic areas and cover with black plastic or a clamping strip.

You can do it when you are at house, at work or before doing your exercises.

VapoRub includes levomenthol, a solid white glass with mint flavor. Do not use it alone, as it may lead to rash. Vicks is safe to use as it contains eucalyptus oil.

Camphor is another used ingredient that is dangerous to health, so it is not recommended to use it directly, but in the commercial product packaging.

Vicks Home remedy:

Needed ingredients:

– Vicks VapoRub
– Camphor
– Sodium bicarbonate
– Alcohol

How to prepare it:

Squeeze the camphor well and mix it with ingredients until it turns as a paste. Place it in a plastic or glass container. Apply the cream in the evening and make circular movements. Then, cover the area with plastic wrap and let it be there for 30 minutes or overnight.

About Noob Blogger

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