Apple Inc. Sues Samsung Electronics, Set for Court Showdown – Samsung‘s Galaxy smartphones and tablets mimicking Apple‘s iPhone and iPad designs? The Steve Jobs-led American company thinks so.
Apple Inc. filed a case against Samsung Electronics late last week for what the iPad-maker calls “blatant copying” of its famous tablet and smartphone’s design and other features, including icons on screen.
“Samsung has made its Galaxy phones and computer tablet work and look like Apple’s products through widespread patent and trade dress infringement,”
Apple said in the suit filed Friday.
“Apple seeks to put a stop to Samsung’s illegal conduct and obtain compensation for the violations that have occurred thus far.”
Apple is seeking redress from 16 alleged wrongdoings by Samsung, including 10 patent infringement charges.
Samsung, which is touted as Apple’s fiercest competitor in the tablet market, has vowed to fight the suit through “appropriate legal measures” in order to protect its own intellectual property rights. “
Samsung’s development of core technologies and strengthening our intellectual property portfolio are keys to our continued success,”
the South Korean company said in a statement.
Whoa! In the world of big-time lawsuits, this must be just about the biggest. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Apple has sued Samsung Electronics for copying “the look and feel” of its iPad tablet and iPhone smartphone. This relates to the Samsung Galaxy S 4G, which bears more than a passing resemblance to the iPhone 3G / 3GS models, and the slightly less obvious Epic 4G, Nexus S, and Galaxy Tab (presumably the older 7-inch model, since the newer ones aren’t out yet) devices. The claim for intellectual property infringement is phrased as follows:
“Rather than innovate and develop its own technology and a unique Samsung style for its smart phone products and computer tablets, Samsung chose to copy Apple’s technology, user interface and innovative style in these infringing products.”

Apple Inc. Sue Samsung Electronics, Set for Court Showdown
Apple Inc. Sues Samsung Electronics, Set for Court Showdown