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Author Archives: Noob Blogger

Publisher / Editor / Owner of Blog For Noob.

What you need to know before buying costly smartphones

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9 Effects of Modern Gadgets on Children Development

Technology and kids today is a sight you often see. A toddler holding a tablet, an infant with an iphone in her mouth, what’s new? At one point, parents have great regard over gadgets as ...

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Anonymous: Guides To Teach You “How To Hack” And Fight ISIS

In the short time frame of past two days, Anonymous hacktivist group has declared an open war on ISIS. In response, ISIS was quick to retaliate and called Anonymous ‘idiots’ who just know how to ...

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5 Reasons Why You Need to Hire a Lawyer for Your Business

Many entrepreneurs have a deep-seated distrust for lawyers. They hate accumulating hefty legal fees or waiting for a lawyer to tell them why they should not undertake certain ventures. While as an entrepreneur you view ...

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The Warcraft Movie Trailer

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