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Blogger is a blog-publishing service that allows private or multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. It was developed by Pyra Labs, which was bought by Google in 2003. Generally, the blogs are hosted by Google at a subdomain of blogspot.com. Up until May 1, 2010 Blogger allowed users to publish blogs on other hosts, via FTP. All such blogs had (or still have) to be moved to Google’s own servers, with domains other than blogspot.com allowed via custom URLs.

Most Google Adsense Choices

So in case you are banned  or became down via Adsense, fear now not. It’s time to transfer on and get an alternate advertisements. There are a variety of legit web sites to choose between, ...

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All About Web hosting

Web Hosting Content. These are the three top priorities for any webmaster, regardless of how experienced they are. Unfortunately, these three essentials often leave people in the dark, as there are dozens of companies offering ...

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Co.cc Domains banned bay Google | Scam

Co.cc Domains banned bay Google | Scam – The title says it all. Google has banned and penalized all the sites which used a co.cc sub-domain. Co.cc is a free domain name registrar which offers ...

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SuperNatural Season Seven/7

SuperNatural Season Seven/7 – The CW has released the official guide for Season 7 of Supernatural. The show will continue to air in its 9-10 pm Friday time slot come fall. Here’s what is coming ...

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Blogging Tips: Increase Your Blog Traffic

Blogging Tips: Increase Your Blog Traffic -Every blogger wants more traffic in his blog. But it’s not too easy to get a healthy amount of visitors. It needs some tactics to follow up. Here I ...

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