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Information, in its most restricted technical sense, is a sequence of symbols that can be interpreted as a message. Information can be recorded as signs, or transmitted as signals. Information is any kind of event that affects the state of a dynamic system that can interpret the information.

Customer Service Training | How to improve customer service

Cus­tomers today demand world-class ser­vice. They’ll reward com­pa­nies that pro­vide it by remain­ing loyal, and they’ll take their busi­ness else­where if ser­vice is mediocre. Your cus­tomer ser­vice rep­re­sen­ta­tives are the face and voice of your ...

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The Maria Montessori

At the beginning of the 20th century, Italy’s first female physician, Maria Montessori, sought to turn education on its head. Using methods developed through her work with developmentally disabled children, Montessori created a ‘child-centered’ approach ...

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Earthquake In The Philippines August 31, 2012

Earthquake In The Philippines August 31, 2012 A strong earthquake struck the Philippines on Friday night, August 31, 2012. The US Geological Survey (USGS) gave the temblor a preliminary magnitude reading of 7.9. It centered ...

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Microsoft Windows Phone 8, New Hope

Cras sit amet libero eros, in ultricies lorem. Nunc et odio neque. Maecenas vehicula interdum hendrerit. Integer hendrerit orci ullamcorper neque pellentesque feugiat. Aliquam magna metus, fringilla non ultrices id, fringilla eu erat. Phasellus lorem ...

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8 Successful Companies That Changed Domain Names

Cras sit amet libero eros, in ultricies lorem. Nunc et odio neque. Maecenas vehicula interdum hendrerit. Integer hendrerit orci ullamcorper neque pellentesque feugiat. Aliquam magna metus, fringilla non ultrices id, fringilla eu erat. Phasellus lorem ...

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