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Information, in its most restricted technical sense, is a sequence of symbols that can be interpreted as a message. Information can be recorded as signs, or transmitted as signals. Information is any kind of event that affects the state of a dynamic system that can interpret the information.

Warren Buffett And Taxes | Tax Me More!

Warren Buffett And Taxes | Tax Me More! – Warren Buffett has long been on a crusade to raise the taxes paid by people like himself. Usually, Buffett points out the he pays a lower ...

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Diamond-Encrusted Contact Lenses

Diamond-Encrusted Contact Lenses – Now here’s a jewelry no thief can easily grab. An optometrist at India’s Shekhar Eye Research Center has created diamond-encrusted contact lenses. Chandrashekhar Chawan said the inspiration for the eye bling, ...

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Virginia Tech LockDown | August 2011

Virginia Tech LockDown | August 2011 – Three children reported seeing a man who may have had a gun under a “covering” in his hand – at Virginia Tech, the site of a massacre in ...

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Woman Cuts Off Husband’s Penis with Knife

Woman Cuts Off Husband’s Penis with Knife – A woman is under arrest after police say she drugged her husband, cut off his penis and threw it into the garbage disposal. Garden Grove police were ...

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10 Signs That Your Girl Is Cheating On You

10 Signs That Your Girl Is Cheating On You Suspect your partner of cheating? You may want to look out for the following signs… While men in general have always had a reputation for being ...

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