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Information, in its most restricted technical sense, is a sequence of symbols that can be interpreted as a message. Information can be recorded as signs, or transmitted as signals. Information is any kind of event that affects the state of a dynamic system that can interpret the information.

List οf Missing аnԁ Safe Filipinos іn Japan

List οf Missing аnԁ Safe Filipinos іn Japan -MIGRANTE released a list οf Filipinos whο wеrе reported missing іn Japan аnԁ those whο wеrе recently found. Thеу аƖѕο included thе email addresses fοr families whο ...

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Cyber Scammers Targets The Japan Tsunami Donations

Cyber Scammers Targets The Japan Tsunami Donations After the devastating phenomenon that strike Japan last March 11, 2011 many of the people around the world wanted to reach out and help by donating money for ...

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Operation Odyssey Dawn

Operation Odyssey Dawn Western forces hit targets along the Libyan coast on Saturday, destroying tanks and armored vehicles in the region of the rebels’ eastern stronghold, Benghazi, using strikes from air and sea to force ...

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Supermoon Video and Images March 19, 2011

Supermoon Video and Images March 19, 2011 It appears that speculations about earthquakes, tsunamis and other natural disasters taking place on or before the Supermoon’s occurence on March 19th remain, well, speculations. Recently, astrologers argued ...

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Nuclear Radiation: What you need to know

Nuclear Radiation: What you need to know The Japan earthquake and tsunami damaged many structures, including the Tokyo Electric Power Company’s nuclear power facility in Fukushima Prefecture on the coast of northeastern Japan. In particular, ...

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