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Information, in its most restricted technical sense, is a sequence of symbols that can be interpreted as a message. Information can be recorded as signs, or transmitted as signals. Information is any kind of event that affects the state of a dynamic system that can interpret the information.

Russian 5G subs to be equipped with ballistic, cruise missiles

Russian 5G subs to be equipped with ballistic, cruise missiles Russia’s proposed fifth-generation nuclear submarines will be armed with both ballistic and cruise missiles, a senior Navy source told RIA Novosti on Saturday. He did ...

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Effects of Radiation on the Human Body

Effects of Radiation on the Human Body Effects of Radiation on the Human Body

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Japan Considering To Bury Fukushima Nuclear Plant

Japan Considering To Bury Fukushima Nuclear Plant Japanese engineers today admitted that the “Chernobyl option,” or burying the crippled plant in sand and concrete, could be a last resort to prevent a catastrophic radiation release. ...

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Young Man Rescued from Wreckage After 9 days – Kesennuma East Japan

Young Man Rescued from Wreckage After 9 days – Kesennuma East Japan NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) news has just released a report that a young guy was rescued this morning Saturday, from a wreckage of ...

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Biggest Full Moon after 18 Years Supermoon 19th March 2011

Biggest Full Moon after 18 Years Supermoon 19th March 2011 The Biggest Full Moon will appear after 18 Years, the Supermoon tomorrow on Saturday 19th March 2011 the closest approach after a long period wil ...

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