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Information, in its most restricted technical sense, is a sequence of symbols that can be interpreted as a message. Information can be recorded as signs, or transmitted as signals. Information is any kind of event that affects the state of a dynamic system that can interpret the information.

4 Myths About Asset Protection

4 Myths About Asset Protection

Asset protection is a fundamental way to reduce the inherent risks associated with ownership of assets. Humans make mistakes and, unfortunately, we’re pretty fragile beings. Here are some of the more commonly misunderstood issues regarding ...

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Tips for Selling Your Car to a Junkyard

Tips for Selling Your Car to a Junkyard

Selling your car can be very emotional. Chances are you took a long time to get it and have done all you can to ensure it is in good condition. Despite all this, it comes ...

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Truck Maintenance: Dealing With a Rusty Frame

Truck Maintenance Dealing With a Rusty Frame

Your truck’s frame is essentially its skeleton, holding and protecting all of the other parts that make the truck go. When the frame is damaged, your truck won’t function as well, and it may put ...

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How to Improve the Company Culture in Your Business

How to Improve the Company Culture in Your Business

Company culture has never been more important than it is right now. Not only is there a mass resignation occurring, but remote working is here to stay. What this means is that you have the ...

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The Five Key Ingredients for Great Packaging Design

The Five Key Ingredients for Great Packaging Design

With so many CPG brands in today’s market, it can be hard to make your products stand out on the shelf. Packaging is often the first introduction a customer has to your business, so it’s ...

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