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Ramblings Ideas

Buying for Baby: Babies Equipment

With so many baby products on the market, it can be hard to know what you really need and what is just a nice extra. Here’s a rundown of the essentials to help you with ...

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What Is the Council on Foreign Relations?

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is a nonprofit organization that consists of a think tank and publisher that specialize in United States foreign policy and international affairs in general. Its membership has included a ...

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Sony to open a new smartphone factory in Thailand

Sony hasn’t put up a new plant specifically for mobile devices since 1995. Twenty years ago, the company built a mobile communications factory in Beijing with three local partners. Back then, it participated with 51% ...

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No! That isn’t a photograph. Look closer look!

Scott Paul Cadden has raised the art of hyper-realistic painting to a completely new level. How he manages to capture reality with the help of a pencil and a canvas, and how he makes them ...

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NASA: Pluto has Water, Ice and Blue Skies

Pluto has blue skies and exposed, bright red water ice, Nasa announced on Thursday, as the first spacecraft ever sent to the dwarf planet continues to send data from the edge of the solar system. ...

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