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Google’s Android is eating Apple’s lunch

Smartphones and tablets powered by Google’s Android software are devouring the mobile gadget market, eating into Apple’s turf by feeding appetites for innovation and low prices, analysts say. The Android operating system powered nearly three ...

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PS4 or Next Xbox To Arrive Next Year To Challenge The Wii U

In a recent investment conference call, Activision CEO Bobby Kotick revealed Another Next-Gen Console will arrive next year to challenge Wii U —IWe dont know which one but it could be PS4 or Next Xbox. ...

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Apple TV rumors increase

While claims that Apple TV is ready for launch have been discounted, stories have emerged that Apple is in talks with cable companies. John Paczkowski at All Things D claims that according to his sources, ...

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Nokia buys 3D mapping firm

Finnish mobile phone maker Nokia on Tuesday announced plans to buy a California firm specializing in rendering the real-world in 3D as it beefed up mapping services for smartphone lifestyles. Nokia expected to complete its ...

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Churches in Metro Manila install CCTV cameras to address the increasing cases of theft

To address the increasing cases of theft, a growing number of Catholic churches in Metro Manila are installing closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras inside churches. According to the Catholic Bishops’ Conference in the Philippines (CBCP), ...

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