When Kevin Miller was on vacation in Rhode Island he decided to take his drone and camera along with him. He found the perfect opportunity to get some hard to reach shots of the top of some wind turbines. He powered up his camera setup along with the drone and sent them flying up in to air. These giant turbines set a little over 200 feet in the air. Miller did a flyby of one of the turbines and though he saw something out of place so he flew in for a closer look. And was he ever right. His camera caught a man laying out on top of the turbine sunbathing! The man woke took notice of the drones buzzing as it neared him but he acted like he could care less. Kevin lets his drone hang out for a minute filming the man that is 200 feet up without any kind of safety equipment present. The man lays back down and goes about his day. I wonder want insanity Kevin Miller will stumble upon next???