Facebook Admins Can Now Unban Commenters
Page administrators can now call up a list of commenters they’ve banned, and then option to unban them.
The ability for admins to ban a commenter is askin to allowing a user to block individuals from seeing the user’s profile – and the site has already allowed users to unblock profiles, so extending this to pages makes them more consistent with profiles. Banning enables administators to block repeat posters of spam or abusive content. Presumably, unbanning someone might be something one might do after an offender promises to behave.
This feature can be found by using Facebook in administrator mode and clicking on the friend request icon (even if it doesn’t show any pending notifications) on the right-hand side of the blue bar at the top of the screen. That pops open a window showing the people, pages and other administrators who like your page.

Facebook Admins Can Now Unban Commenters
Then, clicking on the tab in the upper right-hand corner pulls down a menu of four options – people, pages, admins and banned. Click on the latter and you get a window that includes thumbnail images of blocked parties, along with their names. Directly to the right of them is a box labeled “unban.”
[Via Allfacebook]