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Globe Telecom showcases LTE CA

Globe Telecom showcases LTE CA, LTE eMBMs technologies in celebration of Globe Innovation Month

Globe Telecom showcases the latest LTE technologies that will enable the telecommunications provider to stay ahead of its customers’ data requirement amid increasing use of bandwidth-intensive applications during its celebration of Innovation Month in line with its advocacy to promote and develop innovative products and services.

During the Globe Innovation Forum (GIF), Globe demonstrated its on-going Proof-of-Concept Trials on LTE- CA (Carrier Aggregation) and LTE eMBMS (enhanced Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service) or LTE Broadcast.

The LTE CA technologydramatically increases efficient utilization of frequencies, enabling mobile operators to use non-contiguous blocks of spectrum in multiple frequency bands to achieve higher bandwidths to meet growing demand for wireless broadband services.

“The LTE CA technology would translate toimproved data rates and broadband capacityforGlobe wireless broadband network and result to high-speed mobile data access. This helps address the demand for data-heavy multimedia applications which are becoming more and more popular. This means that our customers will experiencefaster data connectivity in areas where this will be implementedas LTE CA becomes commercially available in the near future,”

said Emmanuel Estrada, Globe Head of Network Technologies Strategy. LTE CA has an average throughput of around 220Mbps with a total 20 MHz of spectrum and initial tests conducted by Globe in April this year showed a maximum speed of up to 230 Mbps, Estrada said.

On the other hand, LTE eMBMS (evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service)technology paves the way for the efficient delivery of video and multimedia services over a telco’s LTE network.

Growing popularity of smartphones and other mobile devices has led to customer preference for mobile multimedia and video service. However, multimedia applications require large bandwidths and generate large amount of data traffic, quickly exhausting bandwidth resources of mobile operators. “The LTE Broadcast solution addresses such challenge as it enables transmission of live video contents to a large number of users without using huge amount of network resources. The technology enables a more efficient use of a mobile operator’s bandwidth resources, allowing customers to enjoy seamless video services in a wireless communication network,” Estrada said.

For mobile live TV watching on smartphones and tablets, LTE eMBMS works by simply downloading its Live TV Apps and also by using an eMBMS capable device or smartphone.LTE eMBMSwill be commercially available within 2015 in select areas, he added.

In addition to demonstrating LTE CA and eMBMS and as part of its activities for celebration of Innovation Month, Globe held Mind Brew talks, a relaxed, sit-down café forum, where experts of different fields were invited to inspire employees to share their thoughts and ideas and make them realize that there is always a better, more effective, and creative way of doing things. Globe developer community Globe Labs also helped employees unleash innovation and break boundaries through iSpark, which encouraged employees to form groups, prepare their hack concept, make it happen, and pitch their app.

The telco provider also launched Globe City, a virtual platform where everyone has the opportunity not just to share their ideas but to turn them into reality and earn from it, all in a fun gaming environment.Also showcasing their latest products and services during the Globe Innovation Forum were Globe technology partners such as Nokia, WSA/Telco Systems, Gemalto, SMSGT, DTQ, Stratpoint, Acision, Teradata, Amdocs, SmartQ, Evolving Systems, Huawei, WSA/TeleDNA, Nominum, and SAS.

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