Harold Camping May 2011 | Rupture 2011 – Harold Camping May 21 | “End of the world, May 21″ was the No. 1 explore on Google today with a heat rank of “on flack.”
Harold Camping predicts worldwide earthquakes, followed by the Bliss when around 200 million rightful Christians present join Christ in the air; the Affliction when the Adversary imposes his merciless planetary monocracy; and then the Effort of Field.
According to Harold Camping, the 89-year-old engineer-turned-evangelist and miscarry of Descent Radio, the End Present testament most definitely hit us here in the Tampa Bay Bay areasome 6 p.m., EST. And it won’t be pretty.
He says it starts with a worldwide propulsion earthquake that kills jillions, followed by months of “horror and bedlam beyond description” for the unrepentant sinners sinistral down, culminating with a lake of flack and thoroughgoing destruction on Oct. 21.
But it’s not the first reading. Harold Camping wrong predicted the support upcoming in 1994.
If tomorrow passes without disaster, doomsayers everyplace give change their attention to Dec 21, 2012 as the most liable expiry assort based on the Maya calendar.
It suggested the affiliate coincides with solar system alignments that become roughly every 25,800 years, which present channel tsunamis, motion of the magnetic poles, noise of continental shelves and solar flares.
Harold Camping says he didn’t dream up his May 21 statement. He says he spent digit decades studying Scripture to come up with that assort. He’s calculated that it’s just 7,000 period from the fellow when the Eager Muckle began. Noah ostensibly had the like troubles credible his friends to be embattled.

Harold Camping May 2011 | Rupture 2011
Harold Camping May 2011 | Rupture 2011