Adobe Photoshop is a great photo editing software.There are lots of stunning photoshop tutorial around the web. Here I have 5 list of stunning freaky horror photoshop tutorial from the internet to share with you. Hope you just love these photoshop tutorial. Please see it in your own risk because they make you frighten.
1. Halloween Photoshop Tutorial: Creating Zombie:
This is Photoshop CS2
tutorial will show you how to rot peoples face, expose their skull and turn them into zombie.
2. Killer Portraits PS Tutorial:
Another fantastic photoshop tutorial which teaches you to create undead killer look which focuses on enhancing bones and facial feature.
3. Zombie Photoshop Tutorial:
This Photoshop tutorial will show you how to create a zombie with some quick 18 easy steps.
4.Realistic Wound:
In this tutorial you will learn how to make a realistic wound in Photoshop with easy five step. It also covers the basics of texturizing an image. It is required that you know the basics of Photoshop, that is how to make new layer, and how to copy & paste one image into another.
5.Crack And Peel:
In this tutorial we learn to create cracking and peeling of skin with basic knowledge of photoshop.