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How To Make Your Home More Attractive To Prospective Buyers
How To Make Your Home More Attractive To Prospective Buyers

How To Make Your Home More Attractive To Prospective Buyers

Before placing your home on the market, there are more than a few mandatory tasks you must complete. More importantly, however, are the myriad of other tips and tricks you should learn to increase the likelihood of your house selling quickly, and around the price point you desire. With this in mind, continue reading to learn how to make your home more attractive to prospective buyers.

Clean Clean Clean

One of the more obvious points in this article, yet strangely one that more people who are selling their home than you would think neglect to spend an appropriate amount of time on, is the thorough cleaning of the entire property, inside and out.

De-Personalize Your Space

Understandably, some homeowners make the mistake of wanting their home to appear warm, friendly and a lived-in family home yet fail to recognize where the proverbial line is.

It is important to essentially de-personalize your space as much as possible without making your rooms look bare and sparse. For example, leave ornaments and fresh flowers on the table but pack your family photographs safely away.

Increase Curb Appeal

Obviously, no matter what sometimes you read or what people may try and tell you, first impressions really do count. This rule certainly applies to the presentation and appearance of your home to prospective buyers.

There are a wide plethora of ways in which you can simply and relatively affordably increase the curb appeal of your property, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Decluttering the front and back garden
  • Weeding the path
  • Shine and clean hardware such as the numbers on your front door
  • Give your door a fresh lick of paint
  • Update and upgrade the window frames

Modernize Light Fixtures & Fittings

A key focal point and area throughout the entirety of your home that potential buyers of the property will certainly concentrate on pertain to that of the light fittings and fixtures.

This by no means suggests that you should rip every single light fixture from your home and replace every one, but it is strongly advisable to update any broken or tired looking light fixtures before placing your home on the market.

Additionally, when it comes to viewings, use lighting in different rooms to create the right kind of atmosphere and tone; in the bedroom, use warm and dim lighting to create an intimate atmosphere, for example. Another fabulous idea to make a cozy and comfortable home aesthetic is to invest in a traditional fireplace from a reputable and established supplier such as Stonewoods.

Pay Attention To Fencing & Gates

Obviously, any prospective buyer of your home who is seriously considering placing an offer will want to take a good hard look at every area of your property, not least the back garden.

For this reason, you must spend time repairing and repainting the entirety of the fencing around the perimeter of your home, as well as repainting and smartening up your back gate. Security is of paramount importance, and so it may well also be advisable to upgrade the locks on the gate too.

About Noob Blogger

Publisher / Editor / Owner of Blog For Noob.

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