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Maintaining Productivity in the Business Workplace

Maintaining Productivity in the Business Workplace


Keeping your staff productivity levels up is by no means rocket science. In many ways, it’s common sense. How is it done? Simple. Lead by example and ensure that you prioritise the comfort and happiness of your employees.


Lead From the Front


True business success comes when its management lead from the front. That is to say, despite the responsibilities and pressures of running a business, you still need to display the kind of attitude and character that you’d expect to see in your staff. The way you act in the business environment will have a massive effect on how your staff act as well. Calm under pressure is essential. But beyond this, great leaders need to be confident and completely committed to their work. They must have a crystal clear idea of exactly what they want from their employees, and exactly how they want it. Not only that, but they must also have excellent communication skills in order to communicate this effectively. Poor communication is a common issue within businesses, and it can severely effect productivity within the workplace. Above all though, be at one with your employees. Try to think of them as working ‘with’ you, as opposed to ‘for’ you. In short, treat them with respect and they will do likewise; for you and the business.


Improve Your Office Environment


The physical space of your office or workplace can have a massive effect on how productive your staff are. Remember, a comfortable worker is a productive worker. Tiny, partitioned office desks — with little room for open communication — are about the worst choice you could make in terms of encouraging a positive and productive environment. Opt instead for an open plan space where possible. And don’t hold back when it comes to keeping your staff cool in summertime. Nobody likes working in a hot, muggy, sticky office — particularly not when they could be on the beach enjoying the sun. So make sure you’ve installed a good air conditioner in the hotter months (Pure Air Conditioning or a similarly reputable company would be fine to use).


A No Fear Approach


No doubt, some will have more hardened approaches for boosting productivity. But do you want to use fear in order to get the most from your employees? Or would you rather encourage them through working hard yourself, and ensuring that they feel supported?

About Noob Blogger

Publisher / Editor / Owner of Blog For Noob.

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