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Text2Teach to boost quality of education in Patikul, Sulu

Mobile learning program Text2Teach is set this school year to boost the quality of education in 15 elementary schools in Patikul, Sulu, one of the most remote island groups in the Philippines where student dropout rate has reached alarming proportions.
Text2Teach is a collaboration between the private and public sectors composed of Globe Telecom, Ayala Foundation, Nokia, Pearson Foundation, Toshiba, the Department of Education, and the local government units.
This effort also serves as a catalyst for peace and development efforts. Text2Teach helps forge and deepen cooperation between the local government of Sulu, the Philippine Marine Corps, and the academe to engage in educational programs as an effective way to pursue peace and prosperity in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.
Educational materials will be provided to the youth in Sulu for them to receive the same kind of learning materials received by the rest of the country. The Text2Teach training program is expected to boost teacher morale and enhance the learning environment in the classroom, with the end-goal of significantly lowering the drop-out rate and significantly increase the learning gains.

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