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Think Before You Post!

Think Before You Post! On your Facebook, Friendster, Twitter and Other Sites

This is a Friendly Reminder From Blog For Noob dot Com
Think Before You Post!

Webcams, microphones, and digital cameras allow you to post videos, photos, and audio files online and engage in video conversations.


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  • Use webcams or post photos online only with your parents’ and guardians’ knowledge and supervision.
  • Ask yourself if you would be embarrassed if your friends or family saw the pictures or video you post online. If the answer is yes, then you need to stop.
  • Be aware of what is in the camera’s field of vision and remember to turn the camera off when it is not in use.
  • Be careful about posting identity-revealing or sexually provocative photos. Don’t post photos of others – even your friends – without permission from your friends’ parents or guardians. Remember – once such images are posted you give up control of them and you can never get them back.

About Noob Blogger

Publisher / Editor / Owner of Blog For Noob.

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